Return of the Beer Bottle Lock

20170823 Beer Lock Blank

It’s been quite a few years since I first posted this design on my blog – check out where it all began here. One of the great things about sharing designs like this on file sharing websites like Thingiverse or Pinshape is that you get to see when someone enjoys your design and shares their own photos of the print, or even better, remixes it to add their own unique twist to the idea. Someone even made a video on Youtube which featured this lock 🙂

Occasionally I get requests, either on these websites, through social media, or on this blog, for me to make alterations to a design, or share the native design files for someone to more easily modify. 9 times out of 10 I’m more than happy to help. A few days ago I was contacted through Twitter to make a simple variation to my Beer Bottle Lock, removing the text on top that says “hands off my beer” to provide a blank surface for someone to more easily add their own custom text.

Given that the file is parametric in Solidworks, the alteration only took a few seconds. However rather than email the files direct, it seemed like a good opportunity to share a remix of my own design on Thingiverse, and hopefully benefit even more people. So you can now download this design for free by clicking here, just like the original.

This got me thinking about remixes, and the fact that many of my favourite 3D printing sites like Pinshape and Cults don’t really allow for remixes to be clearly linked to the original source file. I can either upload a print of a design (just photos, not a new STL file), or upload a completely new design. If I want to let people know this new design is a remix, I have to manually write this in the project description, and supply a URL to the original file as you can see on my upload of this new blank version beer bottle lock on Pinshape. On Thingiverse, you can specifically say your design is a remix of another with the click of a button, and a link is created so others can easily go to the original, and see all remixes to find the one most appropriate for them. This is a better system that ties in with the whole Creative Commons (CC) licencing used by all of these websites.

I hope some of these other file sharing websites will take up the challenge to make file attribution and remixing more transparent, it shouldn’t be left up to the user to understand the licensing options and manually enter this information. A common standard across a website, as done by Thingiverse, would really help encourage more sharing, and appropriate attribution to designers.

– Posted by James Novak

Beer Bottle Lock in Action

It’s always really rewarding to see others enjoying my designs, and @AngryPancreus on Thingiverse has just created a video of 5 3D prints for beer and wine (a topic I certainly enjoy!), featuring my Beer Bottle Lock. If you’re not sure what a Beer Bottle Lock is, just look back at my Christmas giveaway which you can also download for free from Thingiverse and Pinshape. Just a bit of fun that can save your favourite beers from mysteriously vanishing…

Happy making, and please share a photo or video if you make one for yourself 🙂

– Posted by James Novak

Merry Xmas – Download my Beer Bottle Lock

2014-12-18 Beer LockAs promised I’ve uploaded my design of a Beer Bottle Lock (click here to read how it all started) for you to download for FREE! Simply follow this link to download from Thingiverse.

Hopefully this brings you a bit of fun over the Xmas holidays, I’d love to see how it works for you so please share your comments and photos here or through Thingiverse. I’ve kept the dimensions quite loose so that it should securely fit a wide variety of bottle shapes; if you don’t need this flexibility you might like to thicken 1 or 2 areas on the inside prior to printing.

Merry Christmas all!

– Posted by James Novak

Beer Bottle Lock – Remixed

2014-12-17 Beer LockFirstly let me state this is not an original idea – recently a Beer Bottle Lock made the rounds on 3D printing news sites, stemming from an Instructables tutorial by JON-A-TRON (click here to see the original DIY Instructable).

However I thought it was a lot of fun with Xmas coming up, so decided to make one for a member of my family (hence the writing on top “John’s Beer”). Great little project involving measuring (and inevitably drinking!) lots of beer, and designing around this base model. The main difference between my design and that of JON-A-TRON is that mine requires no screw – it holds together once once locked around the bottle top, even though it is printed as 2 separate parts. I think my design is also ‘slimmed- down,’ therefore probably easier to snap off if someone really wanted to – however this really is just a bit of fun, anyone who seriously wants to lock away their beer either has some paranoia issues, or just some dodgy mates!

I still want to make some changes, but once complete I may upload to Thingiverse for you to enjoy 🙂 This is also my first print with a new (to me) brand of ABS called Zortrax, running it through the ‘Up! Plus 2‘ 3D printer. So far really happy with it, and EXCELLENT price from ($32.95 per Kg). Check it out here if you’re looking for cheap filament in Australia.

– Posted by James Novak